Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friday Weigh-in

This week I have reached a milestone - I fit into a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans!!! I posted a pic of me the night before the twins were born. They were 8 and 7 pounds. (Doesn't that just look painful?! It was. :) I am super excited that I am getting back to where I was before!

So this week I lost 3 pounds!!! So that makes is ten so far - YEAH!! I'm 1/3rd of the way there.

My tip for this week? Sugarfree lifesavers. Whenever I crave a party in my mouth, I pop one of those super low calorie candies in and it satisfies my sweet tooth.


  1. Wow great week for you. congrats on the milestone. -1 for me (-13.5 total) it was a rough week. lots of bad food days..

  2. I think every girl dreams of having twins but I must say that your picture does look painful and may cause many to reconsider that dream. Way to go on the weight loss! I love when I start fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes again, it makes me feel like life is beginning to return to "normal" (if that exists).

  3. Good for you! As we say in our meetings, "one day at a time".

  4. Congratulations Jennie! Let the positive cycle continue in the weight-loss direction! What a blessing & privilege it is that we can say no to food.

  5. Wow - that picture really says it all -- you're doing amazing! Now just kick me in the pants and get me to have your determination! ;)

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone!! It really helps me keep going on this!
    Chell - at least you are still moving in the right direction! Deb is so right - one day at a time.
    Shellie - Having twins was the hardest thing I have physically been through. At the end I couldn't drive or hardly walk. I agree, fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes at least helps with some sense of normalcy.
    Devon - You don't need a kick in the pants, you have a lot going on right now!

  7. Way to go! That's awesome :)
